Vertebrata lanosa (L.) T. A. Christensen
Grisetangdokke in Norwegian
The species Vertebrata lanosa belongs to:
Photos of Vertebrata lanosa (3):
1 of 3: Habit
2 of 3: Growing on Ascophyllum
Note: The species nearly always grows as an epiphyte on Ascophyllum. It is very dark red (blackish) and normally grows to between 5 and 10 cm. It is densely branched in a pseudo-dichotomously way with relatively stiff branches, making it look bushy. The axes have relatively short and wide segments with 12-24 periaxial cells, and with no cortex. Normally the central cell axis, composed of round cells, is visible through the periaxial cell cover
3 of 3: Axes and branching
Closest relatives
Other species in the same genus (Vertebrata):
- Vertebrata byssoides (Goodenough & Woodward) Kuntze (5)
- Fagerdokke in Norwegian
- Vertebrata fucoides (Hudson) Kuntze (5)
- Svartdokke in Norwegian
- Vertebrata nigra (Hudson) Díaz-Tapia & Maggs
- Kuskjelldokke in Norwegian