Vertebrata fucoides (Hudson) Kuntze
Svartdokke in Norwegian
The species Vertebrata fucoides belongs to:
Photos of Vertebrata fucoides (5):
1 of 5: Habit
Note: The species is found along the Norwegian coast in sheltered areas. It forms dark red bushes, normally with more than one main axis from an attachment disc, and the axes are often relatively sparsely branched in the lower part. It has segments with 12-16 periaxial cells and no cortex cells in the upper parts, while the main axes form some cortex in the lower parts. The attachment rhizoids are cut off from the periaxial cells.
2 of 5: Branch tips
3 of 5: Cross section
4 of 5: Lower part of a main axis with cortex cells
5 of 5: Segments with periaxial cells
Closest relatives
Other species in the same genus (Vertebrata):
- Vertebrata byssoides (Goodenough & Woodward) Kuntze (5)
- Fagerdokke in Norwegian
- Vertebrata lanosa (L.) T. A. Christensen (3)
- Grisetangdokke in Norwegian
- Vertebrata nigra (Hudson) Díaz-Tapia & Maggs
- Kuskjelldokke in Norwegian