
Cruoria pellita(Lyngbye) Fries

Sleipflekk in Norwegian


The species Cruoria pellita belongs to:


Photos of Cruoria pellita (3):

  • Photo of Cruoria pellita
  • Photo of Cruoria pellita
  • Photo of Cruoria pellita

1 of 3: Habit

Photo of Cruoria pellita
A large patch growing on a stone, collected by dredging between 6 and 10 m depth Photo: © Kjersti SjøtunTerms of use

Note: The species forms dark red and more than 0.5 mm thick mucilaginous patches on the substratum. It is composed of prostrate filaments loosely united by mucilage. The cells of the filaments are long and barrel-shaped in the lowermost part, 12-14 micrometers in diameter, tapering to more parallel-sided cells, 6-11 micrometers in diameter, in the apical part. The species is most common in the sublittoral zone. It has zonately arranged tetraspores. The species can be confused with the ‘Petrocelis’-stage of Mastocarpus stellatus (in shallow subtidal) and Haemescharia hennedyi, but none of these have zonate tetrasporangia.

2 of 3: Zonate tetrasporangium

Photo of Cruoria pellita
Photo: © Kjersti SjøtunTerms of use

3 of 3: Filaments seen in microsope

Photo of Cruoria pellita
Cells of the filaments are relatively large and barrel-shaped in the lowermost part. A tetrasporangium (zonate) is indicated by an arrow Photo: © Kjersti SjøtunTerms of use