Prasiola stipitata Suhr ex Jessen
Måsegrønske in Norwegian
The species Prasiola stipitata belongs to:
Photos of Prasiola stipitata (2):
1 of 2: Thallus
Note: The species grows in dense patches on rock in the high intertidal or supralittoral. It is found associated with seabird droppings, and often occurs at sites used by seabirds as resting places. Many individuals often grow together from a common base, and thalli can grow to 1 cm tall. Individual thalli are blade-formed and often wedge-shaped with a stipe narrowing towards the base. The non-reproductive parts of the blade are monostromatic, with small cells arranged in longitudinal and transverse rows in groups. Cell walls are thickened between the cell groups, forming lines dividing groups, and especially in the basal part of the blade this results in conspicuous longitudinal lines. Reproduction takes place through formation of gametes or unflagellated spores in the distal end of the blade.
2 of 2: Cell structure
Closest relatives
Other species in the same genus (Prasiola):
- Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing
- Krusgrønske in Norwegian
- Prasiola furfuracea (Mertens ex Hornemann) Trevisan