Pelvetia canaliculata (L.) Decaisne & Thuret
Sauetang in Norwegian
Chanelled Wrack in English
The species Pelvetia canaliculata belongs to:
Photos of Pelvetia canaliculata (3):
1 of 3: Habit
Note: Receptacles can be present in all seasons and are narrow and often forked at the tips.
2 of 3: Specimens on rock surrounded by Fucus spiralis
Note: This is a small (5-15 cm tall) fucoid species with no midrib or air-vesicles. Stipes is conspicuously channeled and the fronds are repeatedly dichotomously divided. The species is growing in the upper tidal zone at wave-protected and semi-exposed sites. It is very tolerant to dry conditions, and seems to be dependent of periods of drought during low tide.
3 of 3: Specimens during low tide
Note: Specimens with receptacles growing on rock, note the channeled stipes.